melody wisp
english sheep vTuber
twitch affiliate
they/them pronouns
25 years old
i am...
a variety streamer;
Puerto Rican;
multiply disabled and neurodivergent;
queer and neuroqueer;
aromantic asexual;
agender and intersex;
a post-production transcriber, captioner, and proofreader; and
a stenography fan.
streaming schedule
i typically play 5 different games a week, on 5 different days, 1 time a day, for around 3 hours each.
week of september 8th to 14th
(EDT; GMT-4; UTC-4)
stream schedule alt text here

date | 6 to 9PM EDT | live on |
sunday 09/08 | pikmin 4 | twitch tikTok |
monday 09/09 | alan wake remastered | twitch youTube |
tuesday 09/10 | chaos;child with english patch | twitch youTube |
wednesday 09/11 | ventreville: a cure for sorrow | twitch tikTok |
saturday 09/14 | i was a teenage exocolonist | twitch youTube |
upload schedule
i (will try to) upload clips and stream highlights on @MelodyWisp sunday through wednesday and saturday.
on thursdays, i upload digimon world: next order, fully captionedon fridays, i upload death stranding: director's cut, fully captioned
month of september(EDT; GMT-4; UTC-4)
day | 12PM EDT |
sundays | stream clips or highlights |
mondays | stream clips or highlights |
tuesdays | stream clips or highlights |
wednesdays | stream clips or highlights |
thursdays | digimon world: next order |
fridays | death stranding: director's cut |
saturdays | stream clips or highlights |
i am available for:
- transcript/caption file proofreading
- closed/open captioningif you would like to commission me, you can through:
- ko-fi commissions
- vgen commissions
- discord (Melody_Wisp)
- [email protected]
twitchstreams and vod archivelet's plays and highlightstikTok LIVE
community discord server
humble partner affiliate link
fanatical partner affiliate link
steam curator profile page
fanatical wishlist
gog wishlist
humbleBundle wishlist
steam wishlist
ko-fi donation and commissionspayPal.mevGen commissions
reStream.io refer-a-friend link
tubeBuddy free trial link
[email protected]
discord: melodyWisp